Oparu’s latest single, “Gold,” will revitalize your spirit, reignite your fire, and immerse you in an ocean of magnificence.
The fact that she performed it in a more alluring, forceful, and fantastic voice isn’t the only reason the song is a hit with listeners.
Oparu puts forth a great deal of effort and enjoyment into creating music that is designed to make you feel refreshed and happy.
With her addition of sparkling energy and exhilarating attitude, it is apparent that she does have a passion for music. I seriously doubt anyone would argue otherwise.
“Gold” is taken from her brand-new four-track EP with the same title, which depicts the difficulties of the human experience and the challenges that we confront.
The Los Angeles-based musician, singer, and actress carries herself with an easygoing assurance and natural cadence that defies her obvious talent.
She says that “Gold is the hope in us all for a better place, the internal drive of our heart, taking the listener on a journey through the various stages of becoming clear on their journey to their path to greatness. Each song represents a different part of the journey. Gold is the final destination.”
The story of “Gold,” which Niko Korolog produced and Nick Dillinger mixed, is gorgeous, gripping, and original, and it rewards listeners with deep emotion.
Oparu is an intelligent beauty with a voice straight out of an opera. You can’t forget the accompanying music video, either. It’s something you should see as well.